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This workout targets your chest, back, glutes and hamstrings. Repeat each circuit 3 times at your own pace.

Chest, Back & Deadlifts


Home Gym

Circuit 1

Repeat each circuit three times

  • Diamond-Tricep-Wide push up X 4 of each

  • Dumbell row/Resistance band row + 2kg X 12 each arm

  • Single leg dumbell deadlift + 2kg X 10 each leg

  • Single leg incline glute bridge X 15 each leg

Circuit 2

Repeat each circuit three times

  • DB fly +2kg X 12

  • TRX/Band rotation row X 12 each side

  • DB/KB swing X 20

  • Mt climber twist kick back X 12 each side was it?

Thanks for your feedback!


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